6 Ways Windows 10 Has Impacted the World Business

Out of box configuration: Shrink-wrapped devices straight to the end user

Windows 10 now leverages cloud enrolment that takes burden off onboarding by enabling IT to purchase and ship devices straight to end users.  During the initial stages of installation users will be automatically prompted to choose the device type and ownership as part of a seamless boot-up process.  The system also guides users in a few simple steps by joining Azure AD and corporate networks.

Enterprise mobility management (EMM) further digs into the unique capabilities of Windows 10. Using Mware AirWatch, admins can integrate applications, remove bloatware, configure settings and push packages that enable access to company resources without the overhead of managing OS images. Without bothering about whether company wants to implement bring-your-own-laptop (BYOL) or choose-your-own-laptop (CYOL) or corporate-owned device program.

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