6 Social Media Trends for 2016

The Rise of Long Form Social Content

Often the social media is blamed for the rise in use of short term dictionary. 2016, may bring back long content in the form of blogs as different social sites plan to put these up on the web via variant channels. While Facebook has note option to display your long content, LinkedIn has a section called “posts’ where you can publish your long form texts. More social websites and apps are soon to incorporate this long form writing options.

The Wearable Revolution will be Social

The wearable revolution is of course a reflection of developments in the tech industry. In 2015, Apple Watch or Google Glass was indeed much hyped tech wearable launches. This year, there are many in the queue to come out. The list includes Amazon Echo, Xmetrics, Moto 360 Sport and more. Companies usually keep the social media as a big platform to market these products and their launches. As 2016 will welcome more tech products for easy human life, the social media will surely experience the hype and plug over it.

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