5 Tech Tips for India to Achieve Low Carbon Goals

We are aware of the tremendous effects of greenhouse gas emissions in the environment and the side effects caused by them. This hinders the vegetation, resulting in global warming, which in turn has a significant effect on climatic conditions leading to many disasters like ecological damage, deteriorating public health and more.
According to Global Carbon Project 2018 reports, India stands fourth in emitting CO2 globally; it has emitted about seven percent of global CO2 emission. The country has also witnessed an increase of about 6.3 percent CO2 emission in last year. To overcome these disastrous effects, here are few technical measures to keep the carbon di-oxide emission in check.
Low Carbon Infrastructure
Infrastructures such as buildings, transport, power plant, and more contribute about 70 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Lately, the low carbon emission buildings are on the rise. Since 2010, these projects have seen an elevation from just three percent to 51 percent. Additionally, over 1,915 new PPI-based low carbon projects have initiated across the globe. This is the result of the government-induced favorable policies across several countries to encourage the private organization to invest in low carbon emission building. India inculcating such policies would surely benefit the country by reducing carbon emission.
Bio-energy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS)
This technology integrates biomass conversion to heat, electricity, liquid or gas fuels with carbon capture and sequestration process. BECCS could provide a significant amount of global energy supply if deployed in its proper theoretical methods. The energy obtained from biomass conversion is used in industrial and transportation sectors, arresting the embodied carbon before it could mix with the atmosphere and preserving it either underground or in some strong structure like concrete. Later, the energy could be used as electricity and the CO2 obtained would be stored permanently in the geological formations.
Electric Vehicles
The regular vehicles are major contributors to pollution across the country; the plug-in electric vehicles have come as a solution to this problem. These e-vehicles minimize the emissions and also cut down on the expense spent on the fuel. These cars would be the future of cleaner and greener transportation that does not pollute our water and air and other natural resources. The electric vehicles have found enormous market across the world; India should take some possible initiatives to bring the revolution in transportation widely through electric vehicles all around the country. Switching to electric vehicles not only reduces the greenhouse gas emission but also cuts down the usage of barrels of petroleum towards transportation. This, consequently, would reduce the spiked petroleum prices and thus, would bring down the overall commodity pricing.
Direct Air Capture
The all-new first-of-its-kind technology, direct air capture, is the chemical process of directly sucking the carbon-di-oxide from the ambient air. This measure is quite different from other techniques, as it does not reduce the emission, but, captures carbon directly from the atmosphere. This technique would need substantial heat and power inputs. The technology would also need low or zero-carbon energy sources to achieve net carbon removal. Considering the investment in technological development and deployment would make way for cheaper and cleaner energy, and also enable the usage of direct air capture techniques at a large scale.
Adapting Low Carbon Business Models
Inducing low carbon business models could bring in the overall revolution needed in the ecosystem. It would be a vital factor in reducing the nationwide carbon emission in every possible sector. Certain automotive company has already taken the initiative to adopt the carbon-free program to address energy efficiency. The government of India could induce some obligatory schemes for the companies to adopt such an eco-friendly business model.
The country is looking for efficient remedies to overcome global warming and its effects on public health. The above methods would be beneficial to bring about a cleaner, greener environment.