5 Gadgets that Transformed Last Decade

The introduction of smartphones, which happened over a decade ago changed everything in the world. As long as transformation is considered, humans tend to think about apps such as Uber, Ola, Airbnb, Netflix and more, but gadgets play a crucial role in the lives of humans. This not only mean the smartphones, but also the watches, headphones, tablets, supercomputers and more. Let's take a look at five most popular gadgets of the last decade, which transformed the lives of the humans across the world.
Apple Watch (2016)
Released in 2015, the Apple Watch second generation had the most remarkable feature, i.e. the heartbeat sensing. Even though FitBit released the feature first, Apple Watch's introduction of this feature in its smartwatches made it more popular. The Heart Rate Notification feature has alerted people to go to the doctor before they had a serious attack, thereby saving several lives.
Amazon Echo (2014)
With Siri on the iPhone, a private interaction was established between smartphones and human beings. Later, Echo was launched and it changed the way people interacted with the Internet. Families talk to Alexa as a family member by asking a few questions from any part of their home. The device can easily manage a smart home, answer kids' questions, call a cab and more.
Chromecast (2013)
Google’s Chromecast was not the first device to help people take content from the Internet and watch it on the TV, but it provided the most affordable way ever. The big names such as Netflix, Hotstar, and others have grown into household names due to this innovative device. Soon, many other devices, such as Fire TV stick and Apple TV, became popular, but it was Google’s Chromecast that led people into this path.
Oculus Rift (2013)
Even though Virtual Reality (VR) is still not fully available across the world, but it was Oculus’s Rift, (the Dev Kit 1) launched in 2013 was the first headset which showed the world about VR. Later, the brands like Oculus and HTC launched headsets, which paved the highly advanced versions. Also, augmented reality (AR) is incorporated on the smartphones with games and more. Recently, Oculus launched Quest, which is the first full-fledged VR system that can be carried on the go.
iPad (2010)
Introduced in 2010, iPad paved the way for a new kind of computer that evolved the way people read, watch movies and consume content. Being portable, iPad evolved significantly over the years and people started using it as a replacement for computers. As years went by, people wanted larger screens for their smartphones to do multitasking in the same device.
With the introduction of highly advanced gadgets every year, the life will become more and easier, thus making human beings lazier. But, technology has its pros and cons which should be used with utmost care considering the privacy and other factors.
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