3 Top Pedometer Smartphone Apps Inaccurate: Study

BENGALURU: At least three most-downloaded pedometer smartphone apps have lower accuracy than standard pedometers, a study says.

According to a study of pedometer apps Runtastic, Moves and Accupedo by researchers from University of Toronto, fitness apps have lower accuracy than standard pedometers in tracking how much users walk daily.

"The most commonly downloaded smartphone apps are neither valid nor consistent in measuring step counts," they said.

The study was led by Guy Faulkner, a professor of Kinesiology (the study of the mechanics of body movements) and physical education, and Krystn Orr, a master's student in exercise sciences, and was published in the journal RMC Research Notes.

"If we are interested in encouraging people to be physically active, then self-monitoring is important," Faulkner said.

"But we need to be cautious that they (these apps) may be underreporting, and on occasion over-reporting, your physical activity, and that there are other devices out there that probably do a better job," Faulkner noted.

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Source: IANS