2.1 Billion Rupees In Mobile Internet Savings For Indian Opera Mini Users

Small savings add up to big money

Investing in good technology helps users save money. In the case of Opera Mini, the technology is simply free. Users of the browsing app need only do what they do every day – surf the web with their mobile phones – and Opera Mini will save them money.

Daily savings can add up in the long run. The 2.1 billion rupees that Opera Mini users in India saved over just half the year could be used for:

Opera Mini data savings india

“We understand how precious mobile data is for Indian consumers, and that’s why our servers work very hard to shrink every bit of data possible for Opera Mini users. It’s indeed gratifying to see that this translates into such gigantic savings for our Indian users. This is, however, only the tip of the iceberg. We are confident Opera Mini can help Indians save billions more”, says Sunil Kamath, Vice President for Southern Asia at Opera Software.

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