10 Lesser-Known Social Media Features You Use Every Day

Some features of LinkedIn

1) Delete Threads Directly:

One of the biggest concerns people have on LinkedIn is around spam and how to manage it effectively. But, you can actively fight spam by deleting inappropriate content from the “More tabs on any LinkedIn groups” thread.

2) Delete Up Email Notifications For New LinkedIn Groups Posts:

 If you want to clean out spam the minute it’s posted, as a group manager you can now get email alerts for every new post and delete spam straight from these emails.  Subscribe to these alerts by going to More > My Settings > Activity and check the box “Send me an email for each new discussion.”

3) Automatically Delete Posts By Setting A Limit On The Number Of Flags:

You can also automate the process of bringing down spam in the queue by defining the number of flags a post or comment needs to reach before it gets automatically deleted. The default is 10, and you can adjust this setting to a higher or lower number as needed in Manage > Edit Group Settings.

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