10 Latest WhatsApp Features Released in 2016

BANGALORE: Today we live in the world of apps and WhatsApp is one of the most prominent messaging apps in our day to day life. Growing at an insanely fast rate, WhatsApp has 450 million active users, 70 percent of which are using the app every day. The messaging app admin  keep on updating  it to bring in changes in the form of upgrades in its interface, features and usability ultimately making it more useful and addictive, as well as competitive to its rival apps based on the similar theme. Keeping in mind the increasing number of WhatsApp users, the founders has introduced 10 latest features in 2016 to make the user experience better. Here, we give you an insight of the top 10 latest features on WhatsApp as reported by GizBot.  

A Revamped Settings Page

WhatsApp is back with a completely revamped Settings page on Android. The Settings screen brings in a couple of new features including a circular profile picture, instead of a square one like before.

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