10 Hidden Features Of iPhones That Come To Light With iOS 9

BANGALORE: In comparison to the next gen iPhones, the concept of iOS 9 might be less appealing, but the all new OS brings in some quality features that crave attention. Apart from how it would be working on the upcoming iPhones-iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus, the iOS 9 is released for the older iPhone models as well.

Here with the latest OS update, your iPhone experience is all about to change and may see some new upgrades and features that were hidden on the beta versions and now are back to the surface, on iOS 9. So let’s check out the unraveled features and how they help, reports Cheatsheet.

Back Button

One of the major changes in the iOS 9 interface is that previously when you have an app running and happen to click on another, then it redirects you to the app without a back option. But now you can find the back button at the upper left hand corner of the screen to take you back to the app, which was previously on the page.


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