10 Cool New Features in Android 6.0 Marshmallow
Android Pay
The feature called ‘Android Pay’ will replace the existing ‘Google Wallet’. However, the Android Pay serves the similar purpose the Google Wallet did but with improved security and authentication process. The Android Pay uses NFC to pay bills and uses fingerprint scanner to authenticate the user’s identity.
Improved Battery Life with Doze
In the recent years, consumers are craving for long lasting battery in their Smartphone and Doze is Google’s answer. Doze turns off all the apps that are running in the background and the automatic data transfers alongside automatic syncing apps as soon as the user turns off the Smartphone screen. The auto snyc and data transfer resumes when the user turns on the screen and goes to the particular app. The Doze feature will increase the standby time of the phone by four folds according to Google.
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