10 Awesome Free Microsoft Apps for Your Smartphone

BANGALORE: What free apps are you using? With fast internet connection, a smartphone or a web browser you are on the go to make your life fun, easy and organized with these free apps. And with Microsoft's increasing productivity and innovation, these apps will help you stay dynamic and are available for Windows PCs, Macs, iPhones and even Android devices, as compiled by Business Insider


Photosynth is an app from Microsoft Live Labs and the University of Washington that analyzes digital photographs and generates a three-dimensional model of the photos and a point cloud of a photographed object. This is available for Windows Phone and iOS, or can be used on the Web. Images uploaded on Photosynth give people the ability to seamlessly view landmarks, public spaces and objects from all sides.

#2.ICE (Image Composite Editor)

Microsoft Image Composite Editor is an advanced panoramic image stitcher. The application creates a high-resolution panorama that seamlessly combines the original images. The stitched panorama can be shared with friends and viewed in 3D by uploading it to the Photosynth website. Or it can be saved in a wide variety of image formats, from common formats like JPEG and TIFF to the multi-resolution tiled format used by Silverlight's Deep Zoom and by the HD View and HD View SL panorama viewers.


Xim app by Microsoft is free and allows users to share photos to other devices even if they don't have the app installed. A user with Xim app can share images saved on their device or to the cloud using OneDrive, Dropbox, Facebook, and Instagram as a slideshow with multiple friends from their contact list, or email, or phone number. Xims are viewable in browsers, and the selected images in the slideshow will be synchronized for all viewers.

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