Bangalore Nano event kicks off in India's tech hub

The Bangalore Nano 2010 got underway Wednesday in this tech hub to showcase the latest trends in nanotechnology, touted to be the third...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Email addiction turns us into lab rats expecting rewards

Using the internet and an obsession with email is turning us into 'lab rats' looking for rewards, says an expert.

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Indian origin kid wins Rs. 4511,000 for speech recognition tech

Inspired by the science fiction movie "I, Robot," two high school students, one of them an Indian American, have developed a speech recognition...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Mobile use in pregnancy ups risk of kid's bad behaviour

Pregnant women who regularly use mobile phones are likely to up the risk of bad behaviour in their children.

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

New glasses uses tongue to help blind see

A British policeman who was blinded by a gunman earlier this year could soon have his sight restored thanks to a device that uses his tongue to help him see.

Google postpones the debut of Google Chrome OS

Zynga hits bull's eye with CityVille launch

Tablet software the future for smartphones: RIM

When will the Apple Mac App Store see daylight?

Barbie Doll is to play with and not for Child Porn

The new trend of Barbie doll coming equipped with a tiny hidden video camera in her chest got FBI into action immediately. They have issued a "cyber crime alert" as they assume that the toy can be used for child porn,reports Dan Whitcomb, Reuters.

India HP's Best Shore hub, plans to expand