U.S. Air Force internal computers block WikiLeaks websites
U.S. Air Force personnel who try to view leaked WikiLeaks diplomatic cables or stories about them are finding the websites blocked by management,...
Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST
What India searched most in 2010?
It is surprising to see that Google?s most popular search term of the year is ?song.? And the most frequently searched brand name ?Nokia? followed...
Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST
Voyager 1 edges closer to solar system
Thirty three years after its launch, NASA's long-running Voyager 1 spacecraft is barrelling its way toward the edge of the solar system.
Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST
Google voice search adds 'personalized recognition' on Android
Google has added the feature of 'personalized recognition' on Android phones. The phones running on Android operating system are now capable of...
Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST
Beware of any application's demand to make a purchase
Fake antivirus programs known as scareware falsely claim that your computer is infected with malware and prompt you to buy a product that will do nothing for you, except put your credit card number into the hands of criminals.
Facebook to generate MBA graduates
The London School of Business and Finance is making available an MBA degree via Facebook that has resulted in Facebook not just being a platform for social networking.