Facebook adds more security features for its users

In an effort to safeguard its users from hackers, social networking giant Facebook has added new security features by providing its users a more...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

IPv6: What are the security issues it brings?

The new IPv6 protocol, replacing the existing IPv4, will increase the capacity for internet domains. While compared to IPv4, IPv6 is certainly new...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Facebook to launch third party commenting system

Facebook is soon coming out with a third-party commenting system which will power the comments on large online publications.

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Motorola unveils smartphone Defy in India

Motorola Mobility India announced the launch of its new smartphone Defy in India. The slim, Android-powered smartphone with a 9.3cm (3.7inch)...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

AeroIndia show to be the largest ever

India's air show in Bangalore next week will be the largest ever with 29 countries bringing their aerospace products, including fighter jets and transport aircraft, for showcasing at the five-day event.

Flying Maruti car at AeroIndia this year

Maveric Systems expand their business in UK and Europe

Notion Ink delays Adam to 14 Feb.

Coming soon: Artificial petrol at 19 pence per litre

Trace your vehicles with T-Qat vehicle tracking system

For parents worried about their children's overspeeding or the wayward behaviour of a driver, a low-cost Internet-based GPS vehicle tracking system is expected to be just the solution.

Kindle eBooks overtakes traditional books