Lenovo launches Apple iPad rival LePad

Chinese computer-maker Lenovo Group, the fourth largest vendor of computers worldwide, has launched its new tablet computer LePad to take on...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Hackers shift focus to corporate intellectual property

Intellectual property and trade secrets are increasingly becoming the principal target for hackers, reveals a new report from McAfee.

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

The world's first artificial leaf created

Scientists have created the world's first practical artificial leaf that can turn sunlight and water into energy, which they claim could pave the...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Coming soon: 'Green cars from pineapple, lemon'

A team at Sao Paulo State University in Brazil claims to have developed a more effective way to use fibre from plants in a new generation of...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Cell phone panic button app sends emergency alerts

In a bid to help pro-democracy campaigners, the U.S. government is developing a cell phone with a 'panic button' app that can wipe out its address book and send emergency alerts.

e-toilets revolutionise sanitation in India

Satellite-based system for tracking trains

'Data centres set up for e-governance not useful'

Nokia to introduce mobile cash transfer service

Googles's Nexus S smartphone turns into payment tool

Now Google's Nexus S smartphone can be used as payment tool via near-field communications technology (NFC).

"Color", a new cellphone-based social network

Earth Hour a phenomenon in cyber space