'Facebook, Twitter creating self-obsessed people'

Social networking websites Facebook and Twitter have created a generation obsessed with themselves, having short attention spans and a child-like...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Indian origin scientist designs nanosized batteries

A team led by an Indian origin scientist has packaged lithium ion batteries, which power mobiles and smartphones, into a single nanowire.

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

People with lower IQ use Internet Explorer

The web browser internet explorers 6, released in the year 2001 users are the dumb reveals a study.

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Google buys more than 1,000 IBM patents

Google, which last month failed to grab a huge portfolio of Nortel patents, has bought more than 1,000 patents from IBM.

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Android 3.1 comes to Motorola Xoom

Motorala users can avail the Andriod 3.1 update from today. This update activates the SD card slot, which will help the users to expand the memory of their Motorola Xoom up to 64 GB, along with 32GB SD card.

Now, RTI complaint hearings through video conferencing

Almost third of Americans waiting for iPhone 5

For every H-1B visa, U.S. technology companies hire 5 workers

Refuting the allegations of U.S. lawmakers and certain quarters here that H-1B visas take away jobs from Americans, NASDAQ's chief has claimed that studies show that for every H-1B visa, technology companies increase employment by five workers.

Apple has more cash than U.S. government

Happy Birthday! DOS

The windows "Mango" phone unveiled in Japan