'Ultrabooks' to Fuel a New Computing Era for Intel 2012
Intel plans to revolutionize the future of laptop market with its ultra thin, ultra fast, voice recognizing Ultrabooks.
Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST
Code Wars: PHP vs Ruby vs Python
The entire web world is built with a few programming languages which slightly vary in their taste and features.An infographic study by Udemy...
Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST
Amazon and the Minds Behind its Matter
Amazon was born in 1994 out of Jeff Bezo's idea for an online bookstore. It has, over sixteen years, proved itself the world because of the efforts...
Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST
Code Wars: PHP vs Ruby vs Python
The entire web world is built with a few programming languages which slightly vary in their taste and features. An infographic study by Udemy...
Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST
Indian Hackers: Threat to Symantec, Wreak Havoc
An Indian hacker group named the Lords of Dharmaraja allegedly a branch of the Anonymous collective,wreaked havoc last week by gaining access to Symantec's source code via a third party website-- the Indian Military.
Gartner Cuts IT Spending Growth Forecast
Forecast by Gartner a research firm that said the IT Sector would see an increase on global IT spending in 2012 by 4.6 percent has reviewed the forecast analysis and announced on Thursday that the percentage predicted would dip down to 3.6 percent.