Google Violates "NO Poach" Agreement; Hires Apple's Senior Director

Google has apparently violated the secret “no-poach” agreement with Apple, by aggressively hiring a top exec from Apple.

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Do Apps Crash More on iOS or Android?

A number of factors including the OS used contribute to the crash of an app, and apps seem to be substantially more stable on Android systems than...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

New Skills Pay Better Than IT Certificates

IT certification may no longer assure extra pay in your tech field, in spite of the surge of job growth in the IT sector-- new skills are now more...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

IT Salary Guide: Good News for Techies in 2012

Its time to rejoice for techies this year with technology booming like no other sector, hiring gaining momentum every passing day and firms across...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Meet the Best VCs of Silicon Valley

2011 was a big year for Venture Capitalists in the Silicon Valley funding a number of startups and playing major hand in IPO's. Here is the list of personalities in VC firms who made themselves in "Best 100 of Silicon Valley" by Business Insider.

5 Hot Specialties Developers Need to Know

New Software Can Trap Lying CEOs

Facebook: India is Second Fastest Growing Market

11 Powerful Women of Silicon Valley's Best 100

Want to Have Sex on First Date? Go for an Android User

Do you want to fall in love or seduce someone a little faster, then better throw away your iPhone's and BlackBerry's and get a brand new Android.

Pakistani Child Prodigy's Stamp Issued

In One Year-Indian Facebook Users Double

3 IITs to make World's Cheapest Aakash-Cheaper