8 Techies Urgently Needed by Companies

Here are a number of positions that tech start-ups will be looking out for, and need techies who are well-versed with new and upcoming technologies.

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

20 Upcoming Entrepreneurs You Need to Watch

A list of entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley, who were not well known one year ago, but are red hot now and these people are the most promising...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Eurozone crisis an opportunity for Indian IT: Expert

India's Information Technology sector is well placed to take advantage of the current Eurozone crisis as an increasing number of companies will...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

BlackBerry Announces Host of Freebies

Android developers who repackage their apps for the BlackBerry platform by today can take home a 16 GB BlackBerry Playbook. BlackBerry has launched...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Microsoft India Store Hacked by Chinese

Microsoft’s Indian online store was subject to a “limited compromise” attack, the company said today in a statement

Languages that Tech-Gurus Started with

RIM to target to 160 more Indian cities

Things Apple is Worth More Than

Facebook Can Un-Friend CEO Zuckerberg 'At Will'

Kodak to Stop Making Digital Cameras

Photography giant Kodak has said it will stop making digital cameras in the next six months, a media report said.

Tagged Photos Could Put Kids at Risk

Google's First Recruit Leaves for Start-up

Google's First Electronic Home Device