Laziest Scams Of Internet

An email from British Royals which entitles users to a large sum of ?Prize? money does not excite anymore, nor does desperate cry for help from a...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Best Advice 7 Tech Idols Ever Received

The most successful people technology have received a piece of precious advice, at some point in their life from someone, which turned course of...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Technologies That Got Trashed and Why?

The world has always been a brutal place for technologies that do not match its expectations. Though companies try hard to make their product as...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Wikipedia Entries Full of Factual Errors: Researcher

Sixty percent of Wikipedia articles about companies contain factual errors, according to a new research, which warned people not to rely on the...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

India's Most Trusted Technology Brands

In an age of cut-throat competition, brand identity is one area that companies can get a boost-up in terms of revenue.And if you're wondering who India trusts the most,here are some of the most trusted Tech brands in India.

Is Android OS Based on Stolen Java Codes?

Windows 8 and its Version Confusion

CIO Strategy Summit, Delhi: A Platform for All Innovative Information Officers

The IT organization's relevance depends on its ability to leverage understanding of current business needs and future direction and then deliver technology solutions and services with greater impact was discussed at CIO Strategy Summit

Foreign Firms Keen on Manufacturing Aakash 2: Sibal

India Warns UK About Possible Tech Relocation

Tagtile: Company by IITians, Gets Acquired by Facebook