10 Worst Habits of Software Developers

Software developers will agree to this that writing great software is not a difficult task. But the developers become their own enemy when in an...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

The Man behind Facebook's IPO Disaster

David Ebersman, the man behind Facebook’s failed IPO is company’s well-liked, boyish-looking 41-year-old chief financial officer. He’s not as...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Tata Consultancy Services Appointed Official Information Technology Partner to BMW Berlin Marathon

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), has signed an agreement with Sport-Club Charlottenburg e.V. (SCC) to become the “Official Main Sponsor of the...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Steve Jobs' Monument to Come Up in St. Petersburg

A competition to select a Steve Jobs monument project was announced July 23 following which a total of 25 projects have made it into the final.

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Web Design In A Nut Shell By Nakul Shenoy at Web Apps Conference, Bangalore

?Most of the designers go wrong when they try to reflect the collected information on to a PowerPoint slide with statistics and numbers? said Nakul Shenoy.

16 Most Popular Tech Mascots Ever

India- The 'Historic Father' Of Higgs Boson Project

Amazon Follows Apple, Ditches Google Map

Pause Your Inbox and Take a Break from email

Facebook to Remove Fake Page Likes

The likes on a page we see might not be from real fans and Facebook has finally woken up to this fact. It has taken steps to remove Likes on page that may have been gained by inappropriate means.

Apple, Google CEOs in Secret Talks

Mobile Phones Filthier Than Toilet Seat

10 Worst Tech Industry Decisions Ever