Why your Credit, Debit Cards will be More Secure after March 16?

Security is a major concern today and there are several measures taken to make credit cards and debit cards more secure..

Wednesday, 12 February 2020, 17:54 IST

Today is Safer Internet Day, Things you Should Know About it!

Internet is the environment or the ecosystem where we live in this modern world of technologies. But, it is well-known to everybody that it is not...

Tuesday, 11 February 2020, 18:37 IST

Why Organizations Need to Adopt a DevOps Culture?

It is believed that there are 44 zettabytes (44 trillion gigabytes) of data available right now, and 175 zettabytes by the end of 2025...

Tuesday, 11 February 2020, 18:35 IST

How SMEs can Use AI to Enhance Productivity

Today, technology has been broadly accepted across the globe. Lately, artificial intelligence and machine learning have gained wider access in...

Monday, 10 February 2020, 18:26 IST

How Open Source Software Can Transform the Potential of Mobile Connectivity?

How Open Source Software Can Transform the Potential of Mobile Connectivity?

Almost every industry has mobile connectivity at its heart to ensure the betterment of the digital economy. But to reach the Industry 4.0, open-source software is required to achieve an evolved mobile connectivity...

5 Biggest Data Breaches of the Last Decade

How IoT Devices Can Enhance Manufacturing Industry

How your Network can be Hacked Through Smart Lightbulb

How Does Google Maps Predict the Traffic Jams While Travelling?

How Does Google Maps Predict the Traffic Jams While Travelling?

Ever wondered how Google Maps recognizes the traffic jams and show them on the app or navigation screen of your car? Recently, Simon Weckert, an artist hailing from Berlin hacked the Google Maps, by filling a red wagon..

Google Admits it Sent Users' Private Videos to Strangers

Google Admits it Sent Users' Private Videos to Strangers

How eCommerce Businesses Could Deal with Cyberattacks?

How eCommerce Businesses Could Deal with Cyberattacks?

5 Ways How Blockchain Eases Trade Finance Processes

5 Ways How Blockchain Eases Trade Finance Processes