4 Never Known Facts About Google Now - The Predictive Future Of Search

Just imagine the future where your mobile knows where you are, what you want, and can access all the information with a simple voice prompt.

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Apple To Merge iOS and OS X?

It is said that the employees at Apple are the most 'happy-ones' around the tech world. But the recent controversies has proved it to be a hoax as...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

250 Windows 8 Devices To Hit Indian Markets

About 250 Windows 8 devices; including 25 exclusive ones designed for Microsoft’s new operating system is to hit Indian markets soon,...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

4 Hot Features of Google's New Android 4.2

As Google announced its latest Nexus tablet and an array of upcoming Smartphones, the search giant also proclaimed a new version of Android is on...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Supercomputer Does 20,000 Trillion Calculations In A Blink!

New supercomputer Titan can process more than 20,000 trillion calculations, or 20 petaflops, in a mere blink by employing a series of graphic processing units first created for computer

Microsoft Unveils Windows Phone 8

Dell Computers To Shift Focus To Notebooks

Spam Hits Indian Users Of Skype

IBM Develops Breakthrough Chip Making Technology

Finally, the future of chip technology is here. Researchers at IBM has developed a carbon nanotube based technology to make chips that are more powerful, yet smaller and low power consuming than the presently available ones.

Bing Growth Surpassed Google In Third Quarter: Report

Apple Fires Head Of iOS And Retail Boss