"Strange"- How 15 Tech Tycoons Spend Their Fortunes

Ever imagined how tech titans with billions at their disposal actually spend? Buying high end cars, private jets, private islands, houses at every...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Google CEO: Facebook is doing a "Really Bad Job"

Bangalore: In an interview conducted by the magazine Wired, which was taken before Facebook launched its new Graph Search tool, Google CEO Larry

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

2014 To Witness World's First 3D Printed Building

Even though 3D Printing was invented in the 1980’s, it took nearly 3 decades for this technology to become accessible for everyone besides the...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

World's First Bendable Battery Sees Light

Besides the rumors about bendable Smartphones soon hitting the market, a group of South Korean scientists led by Professor Lee Sang–young of Ulsan...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Dotcom's New File-Sharing Offers 50GB Free Space With Privacy

Kim Dotcom, the accused Megaupload founder unveiled a new file- sharing website on Sunday promising the users amped-up privacy settings

Mindtree Net Up 63 Percent In Q3

Phone App To Book Cabs

Taxis can now be called in China's business capital by just uploading the passenger's location on a Smartphone app.

10 Best Mobile Apps For Women Safety In India

10 Unbelievable Billion Dollar Inventions