Apple's 15 Most Audacious Product Designs

Apple products are admired for their sheer designs. By designs it means everything from exterior looks that catch yours eye balls to interior...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Ranked - 4 Most Loved Operating Systems In The World

Bangalore: A study conducted by ChangeWave Research shows us which mobile Operating System is rated as the best one by the users. 4,061 people were...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Indian IT Companies Sharpen Claws For Deals Worth Rs. 2.7 Lakh Crore

2013 is going to witness almost 2.7 lakh crores worth software outsourcing deals coming up for renewal, which constitutes almost half the size of...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Say Bye To Swipe, Pay With Android Phone Card Reader

Soon the credit card point of sales (POS) will do away with “zip zap” swipe machines, thanks to Android card reader. The RBI has given...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Your Google Password May Soon Be Replaced To 'Jewelry'

Search giant Google is set to kill off passwords and is experimenting with USB keys, mobile phones and even jewelry that can act as a physical 'key' to give users access to their account.

Man Held For Objectionable Facebook Post

"Strange"- How 15 Tech Tycoons Spend Their Fortunes

Ever imagined how tech titans with billions at their disposal actually spend? Buying high end cars, private jets, private islands, houses at every corner of the world and what not. All these material

Google CEO: Facebook is doing a "Really Bad Job"

2014 To Witness World's First 3D Printed Building

World's First Bendable Battery Sees Light