Cofounder Of Yandex, Russia's Biggest Search Engine Dies At 48

The co-founder of Russia’s largest search engine Yandex, Ilya Segalovich has died after being taken out of life support at a London Hospital.

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

India's Average Internet Speed Likely To Jump To 1.8Mbps In A Year; Currently It Ranks 105

The average Internet speed in India is likely to jump by over 40 percent to 1.8 Mbps in the next 12 months on the back of investments in high-speed...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

New Delhi Railway Station To Be The First In Country To Offer Free Wi-Fi

Waiting for a train to arrive will no longer be boring as Railways is equipping India's busiest station with free Wi-Fi connectivity, a first in...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Ministry Of External Affairs To Launch Android, iOS Apps; The First Department To Do So

The Ministry of External Affairs will launch a Smartphone application on today to inform users about its services and keep them updated on...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Facebook To Make $1.6 Billion Worth Capital Investments This Year

Social networking giant Facebook, whose user base is expanding primarily on the back of rising penetration in emerging markets like India and Brazil, will make capital investments worth USD 1.6 billion this year.

7 Best Websites To Sell Your Old Gadgets

10 Best Tech CEOs Of All Time

CEOs are the driving forces behind a company?s function. Few of them take this responsibility in such a way that they transform companies that even though started in garages with no capital into

Finally, Apple CEO Acknowledge India's Importance

Asia, The Luring Future Of Mobile Internet