Google To Make Smartphones Customizable Like Set Of Legos

The set of Legos may bring back your childhood memories where you constructed any structures with Legos bricks that struck your imagination. Now...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Facebook Can Predict When You're Headed For Break Up

Scientists have developed a Facebook algorithm which they say can accurately identify who you're dating and when you're in danger of breaking up.

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

YouTube Popular Venue For Social Activism: Study

Social media such as YouTube videos provide a popular and flexible venue for on-line social activism, a new study has found.

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

5 Tech CEOs With Fattest Pay Checks

Imagine what pay checks does the CEOs of the biggest tech companies like Facebook and Apple get. They literally walk away with hundreds of dollars...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Smartphone Shipments Reach Record High, Samsung Beats Apple Again

Smartphone shipments have reached a record high in the third quarter with first time ever figure of 250 million units shipped globally in a single quarter, which is 45 percent more than the last

Google Building Floating Data Centre: Report

Railway Information On Smart Phones Now

15 Amazing Google Projects That Failed!

Facebook Lures Snapchat With $1Bn Offer

Google Is Now Serving Users From 700 Percent More locations: Study

Google search has expanded its network, serving its users from 700 percent more locations than a year ago, a new study has found.

New Data Storage Disc To Last A Billion Years

Indian-American Run Firm To Fix ObamaCare Website