Revealed: 8 Biggest Technology Myths

Probably one thing that almost everyone carries with him throughout his life is ‘myth’.

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Is Google Planning To Make Android Wear Compatible With iOS?

Is Google Planning to make Android Wear compatible with iOS?

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Twitter Lets Researchers Scan Its Vast Public Data

The micro-blogging site has finally given access to its vast database to a selected pool of researchers to study tweets and find answers to a...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Telcos May Raise Tarrifs to Pay For Spectrum Cost

COAI has said mobile tariffs may go up soon as telecom operators are expected to pass on to customers the burden of spectrum cost they will incur...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Xiaomi to Approach Authorities to Sort Out Security Concerns

Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi said it will engage with Indian authorities to address the concerns about security of user's data.

Indian, Chinese Firms Leading Tech Billionaire List

Indian, Chinese Firms Leading Tech Billionaire List