Diemo join hands with XIUS-bcgi
XIUS-XIUS-bcgi, a Megasoft arm and a mobile services platform, grabs Diemo's, a mobile banking service for $15 millon to power the launch and...
Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST
Toshiba set up power boiler plant in Chennai
Japan headquartered, Toshiba, a manufacturer and marketer of electronic and electrical products, will come up with a $250 million (Rs.1000 crore)...
Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST
Digital camera resolution reaches a new high
The Swedish company Hasselblad's announcement of the launch of Hasselblad H3DII-50, featuring a new Kodak 50-megapixel sensor, has pushed the...
Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST
Karnataka to pitch Bangalore as nanotechnology hub
Tech-savvy Karnataka is set to promote Bangalore as a nanotechnology hub to replicate its success in IT and biotechnology sectors, with novel...
Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST
Philips launches patient monitoring system
Royal Philips Electronics has announced a series of patient monitors that provide a means to observe and give care to patients.
You may be jailed for spamming
A federal court in Manhattan on Tuesday sentenced a Brooklyn man, named Adam Vitale, to 30 months imprisonment for sending spam e-mails to more than 1.2 million subscribers of America Online.