Researchers create world's first diamond laser

Researchers in Australia have built the world's first diamond laser, harnessing its capability to transmit heat and light very effectively.

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Virtual crash dummy to make driving much safer

Automakers have been crashing test dummies to gain insight into how safety systems protect or fail to protect people during car accidents.

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

World's first eco-computer produced in Ireland

The world's first biodegradable computer, the iameco, has been manufactured in Dublin from bio-degradable wood panels made from waste products in...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

E-books close to market breakthrough

After years of false start, e-books - thin, highly simplified displays - seem to be getting cheap enough for mass use. Thanks to a new technology...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Alcatel- Lucent announces new strategic plans

Alcatel-Lucent has announced its strategic plan to enable service providers, enterprises and end-users to take greater advantage and gain more value out of today's web environment as well as its next evolution.

Users identify YouTube as cashcow

Employees fritter hours on non-work surfing

New technology will display your dreams on screen

Google Chrome no more Beta

The California online search firm Google, which is known for leaving new software offerings in beta, quickly removed beta tag from its Web browser Chrome and put a stamp of approval on it after just 100 days of its release.

Google 'hero' Nishar to join LinkedIn

Cyberpunks bet on job-seekers for cash

Samsung slashes prices of LCD TVs, refrigerators