100 Million broadband subscribers through TV by 2012

Broadband penetration could be expanded to 100 million from the present seven million subscribers if TV could be used as an end user device,...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Cellphone apps to monitor noise pollution

In a step to make cities quieter, the European Union requires member states to create noise maps of their urban areas once every five years.

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Microsoft launches Silverlight 4 beta

Microsoft released an early beta version of the upcoming Silverlight software. Version 4 offers a variety of new features including the ability to...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Falling network gear price saves Telenor $700 Million

The fall in prices of telecom equipment is turning good for operators such as Telenor which is in the process of rolling its mobile network in...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Is there a need to standardize datacenter containers?

Microsoft, is doing its best to nudge the datacenter industry toward the use of standard Pre-Assembled Components, which is how the company describes the server-filled containers in its new Chicago datacenter.

Over 2,000 Indian firms adopt Windows 7

Intel finds opportunities in wind, electric cars

Explore Mars with 'Be a Martian'

RIM security sees smartphone attacks on horizon

LG India launches GD900 Crystal phone

LG India has launched the LG-GD900 Crystal, with a transparent, smart keypad. It is the combination of 3D S-Class user interface technology.

Aricent to offer solutions for Android platform

IBM to develop 'thinking computers'

Now, robot shop assistants in Japan