'Virtual tumour' model to offer new treatment against cancer

British scientists have built a novel virtual reality (VR) 3D model of cancer that will help increase the understanding of cancer as well as in the...

Wednesday, 26 December 2018, 15:13 IST

Transasia conducts a Scientific Seminar for the Pathologists Of Nanded

India’s leading In-vitro Diagnostic Company, Transasia Bio-Medicals recently organizes a scientific seminar titled 'Transasia Scientific...

Wednesday, 26 December 2018, 11:41 IST

This fingernail sensor uses AI to monitor health

New York, IBM researchers have developed a first-of-a-kind "fingernail sensor" prototype that uses Artificial Intelligence and machine learning to...

Wednesday, 26 December 2018, 10:34 IST

Apple provided users' data on Indian government requests (Lead)

The Indian government asked Apple to provide information regarding 27 devices and 18 accounts in the January-June 2018 period, with the company...

Wednesday, 26 December 2018, 09:06 IST

NASA's New Horizons detects anomaly ahead of next flyby

Just days ahead of its New Year's 2019 close encounter, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has detected an anomaly related to its next flyby target -- an icy world a billion kilometres past Pluto and more than 6.5 billion km from Earth.

Google denies it altered YouTube code to slow down Microsoft Edge

Google has denied it altered YouTube code to break Microsoft Edge, thus slowing down its performance while users streamed YouTube videos -- a claim made by a former Microsoft intern.