Twitter blacklist 370 too obvious passwords

In order to make its service more compact and safe, Twitter has blacklisted 370 passwords which it feels are too common and can be guessed by anyone.

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Google outpaces Apple in web and mobile browser

Google's Android and Chrome have recorded their best ever performance in December to get passed Apple's iPhone and Safari.

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Website to kill online accounts

If you are tired of your social networking account and just want to get rid of all the connections on Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn and Twitter, then...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

Oracle outclassed: Firms prefer SAP pros more

With the SAP versus Oracle battle for business applications supremacy raging on, the expected growth in the ERP software market in 2010 may result...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30 IST

New method to avoid hacking of 'captcha' security codes

A way to fix the security holes linked with the 'captcha' security mechanism has been found by researchers at the Tel Aviv University. While these codes are becoming increasingly complicated for use, they are not immune to security holes.

Now prepare horoscopes on your mobile phone

Verizon to add Palm Pre and Pixi to its network

Datacenter heads hope for more revenue in 2010

Morphie to launch iPhone credit card reader

Morphie has announced its intent to launch its own mobile payment system for iPhone which will let users swipe their credit cards using the phone.

Facebook, Twitter prime target for threats: McAfee

Googlephone is coming next week for $530

HCL Info, Motorola get Rs. 100 Crore radio contract