Transition Of Windows Over The Past 3 Decades

#Windows for Pocket PC: 2000

This is a side project that to developing OS for mobiles named Windows CE, the company tried to incorporate and adjust the icons in this version as to the one on PC first version on road.

windows xp#Windows XP: 2001

The much anticipated major update since Windows 95 raised the stakes, the first consumer version to completely part away from MS-DOS. The most stable and powerful OS that is used in workstations and servers.

#Windows Mobile 5: 2005

A competing output in mobile arena with already Blackberry and Nokia sprinting, the version if taken is a major leap from the previous one but it had no stake in market as no one expected Apple to come in and transform the UI world.

#Windows Vista: 2006

The most regretted project undertaken for 5 years with many setbacks, byte to byte changes. As one of its former CEO stated instead of keeping on it, Windows would have made progress in the field of mobiles adapting them to its UI.

#Windows Mobile 6: 2007

When the five year old mobile platform came in with an update it still featured stylus and keyboard, also looked obsolete beside the Apple iPhone with touch strata. But Balmer former CEO underplayed this turndown by stating no one would be going for a smartphone at price of $500.

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