Top Technology Trends To Watch Out For In 2015

2. Computing in all possible places

While this has been happening for years, we’re reaching a tipping point where the digital and physical worlds are coming together. Computing is already everywhere. It is all around us and is only likely to proliferate even further in the future.

Indeed, we have reached the post mobile era. That may sound a little odd when everyone around you is still staring intently at their Smartphones. The point though is that mobile devices are just a part of a world in which there is computing everywhere and embedded in everyday objects, from T-Shirts to shoes and even our cars. All of this means that we’ll have new ways of interacting with the world and the user experience specialists who can guarantee good experiences in these interactions stand to gain massively.

3. Advanced pervasive and invisible analytics

When it comes to analytics, we should “start by throwing away the term big data”. By his reckoning, big data is not where the value is. Instead he says we should be concentrating on big answers and big questions.

Think about security for instance. If you have a load of data around online security breaches, there’s not a lot you can do about it unless you’re asking the right questions or looking for the right answers.