Technology To Alter The Face Of Education

Real Time Feedback: Have you ever written a test, submitted it and then waited for days with fear and anticipation for what your results might be? Has this kind of experience left you stressed during that period? Well, in this digital age that you live, everything is real time. You write a test, press the enter button and there is your result on the screen.

No long waits, no stress just immediate results of how well you did. This is only possible through technology. With real time feedback you are able to rectify, analyze and re-learn the things you don’t know without having to wait for it.

Hands On Learning: One of the coolest features of how technology has transformed education is the the way it allows you to experience the art of hands-on learning. For example, you want to know how to build a kennel for your pet. Through technology there can be a more interactive, engaging lesson on how to do that by having a conversation cum demonstration from an expert.

Technology gives you the best of both worlds. It takes abstract, textbook information and transforms it to a personalized interaction class with the tutor. This is the goal of technology to not isolate students but create an environment that allows for constructive interaction.

Communication Barrier: With all the good that technology is bringing to education, there is one fear among experts that is, communication could be limited and maybe even created a barrier. What this means is that since mobile technology is available to everyone and since it is so feasible, there may be lesser face to face conversation. So educators need to balance the use of technology with collaborative, face to face communication. The human touch should not be compromise at all. 

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