Tech Innovations That Will Envision Future Classrooms


Writing up, erasing it to write the next in line lesson is for the old timers, as blackboards are replaced by white ones later they are spleen to be in change with some huge displays. These displays may be remote controlled or can also be accessed all over with touch sensitive screen all over.

Some research institutes have already implemented their use but the inception all over it is yet to make.

game based learning# GAME BASED LEARNING

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”  the same can said for all the knowledge being intercepted in schools all the matter in a day makes no sense as to the next day. The ways to teach are numerous but they should be the way in which the student would incite interest.

Game based learning; today’s games either it be educational or recreational have all the specs and the aspects which are very much needed as a social knowledge. The same can be taken in terms of problem solving as to the mathematics or the interaction of metals, chemicals and the properties of their products.

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