Six Digital Trends for 2016


The quality and speed of 3D printers evolved drastically over the last year which would create an infinite number of applications for the 3D printing technology. 3D printers belong to different technology categories like Stereolithography (SLA), Laser Sintering (SLS) and Direct Metal Printing (DMP). In 2016, the expanding market for 3D printers brings in a ton of new competition promising to be more affordable and attainable for enterprises, especially small businesses. The best 3D printers for the current year would differ much in cost, application and availability. The few best to name are Autodesk Ember, BigRep One v3, E3D BigBox, DeltaWASP 20 40 and Peachy Printer. ‘Not Impossible Labs’, a startup crowd-sourcing company, is dedicated to solving humanity’s problems with do-it-yourself solutions and an emphasis on 3D printers. According to Gartner Inc., international distribution of 3D printers will reach nearly five million units in 2016.

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