News Reality: 5 Tech Trends To Expect This Year

# Show Me The (Mobile) Money

Companies trying to alter the payment systems at the store using cash registers certainly describe how using cash and credit cards always bother them. So this year the mobile payments are expected to make some gains with the general idea of replacing the credit cards and cash with Smartphones.

You just need to wave your phone in front of a store terminal and the purchase is billed to your bank or credit card account. The iPhone maker Apple introduced the Apple Pay last year which had created so much hype and the preceding efforts by PayPal, Visa's PayWave, and MasterCard's PayPass had failed to gather public attention.

# Hackers Claim Another Victim

Hackers will penetrate the computer system of yet another Fortune 500 company this year as certain upcoming elements leads to assure it. The recent years have witnessed hackers dodging into the systems without facing any exemption, having billions of dollars spent on cyber security turning into a total waste.

The consequences have been adverse. Let’s take a look at the Sony Pictures, which suffered a massive breach involving those accountable for posting the movie studio's sensitive internal documents on the web. On the other hand, there were many other cases before Sony that suffered the plight, namelyTarget, Home Depot, JPMorgan Chase, eBay, and Michaels Stores.

According to the Security consultants, many companies fall victim without even realizing it and for consumers, it would be best for them to pay close attention to credit card statements and maintain highly secured passwords.  

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