Facebook Open To Solar Plane-Based Internet Services In India

Facebook is now attempting to make truce with telecom operators through its programme internet.org. Under this, it in partnership with telecom operators is providing free access to some basic websites to customers.

In India, Facebook launched internet.org with Reliance Communications. Internet.org is a customer acquisition tool. There is a 40 per cent increase in data customers for operators who have turned on internet.org.

The fundamental thing that we can do to help operators is to bring them more paying customers. That's the model which supports their business model and network roll out, Daniel said.

Telecom operators have been demanding that there should be revenue sharing model between web-based companies providing messaging and calling services as they invest massively on building network to provide connectivity to the people. Daniel said such demand does not make sense at higher level. People are paying for data when they find value in internet. We are trying to help them find value in internet.

The internet.org platform includes Facebook messenger but the social media firm has turned off VoIP or internet-based calling function due to concerns raised by telecom operators. Taking into consideration business model concerns that operators have around VoIP, it is not a free basic service which we have chosen with them to include in Internet.org, Daniel said.

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Source: PTI