Ensure Your Safety: Get Rid Of These 9 Poor Tech Habits

2.  One Password for all the accounts

In the modern world, when there are so many things to remember from your salary account details to all your girlfriend’s birthdays. It seems hard to remember different passwords for different accounts. Then what do we do, we put a same password for all the accounts and stay happy.

But a sharp hacker can make an illegitimate use of all your digital life, if somehow he manages to know just your 1 password. Now that is incredibly dangerous, isn’t?  Here is an advice if you're having a hard time creating new passwords, try using a password management app such as Last Pass or Dashlane. Make your accounts worth valuable!

3. One password for lifetime?

Keeping different passwords are a genuine approach, but at the same time, it’s advisable to keep changing your passwords on regular basis.

Microsoft recommends that you change your passwords every 30 to 90 days to be safe. So keep it in mind, you can stick to one life-partner but not one password all the time!

Read more: Forbes' Most Powerful People In Business 2014