Android 5.0 Bugs: Here's How You Can Fix Them

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# The Lag and Crashing On The OS

Nexus 5The Android 5.0 Lollipop users have seen a fall in the performance since the update. In addition to being slow, some of the devices crash while running some very familiar applications too.

# Here Is the Fix

If the root cause of the problem is an application running on the device, then the best next step is to uninstall the app or check for an update. The  best thing to do would be to check on the developer's support site and see if any bugs have been reported by users or the development team. It appears that with any update, some apps have problems adjusting to a new Lollipop environment and bring down the whole system with them.

Switching off some of the services like the Google Now, OK Google support, live wallpapers and many more services can improve the situation. If the situation on the smartphone is completely out of hands then reverting to KitKat would be a good option.

At this point you can even factory reset your phone to start afresh.

# Video playback issues

The biggest problem that the users found on the Lollipop is the non availability of video player software when they want to watch a clip.

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