Indian Researcher Launches Application for Smartphone UI Navigation on Google Glass

BENGALURU: A team headed by an Indian-origin researcher, developed a smartphone-based application to project the magnified smartphone screen that provide superior visibility experience to the buyers undergoing low eyesight problems. Jyothi from FitNHit website reported about the project details and the potential of the application to assist users with low eyesight.

A combined team of Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts Eye’s Schepens Eye Research Institute designed the application to improve the zoom function that is inbuilt in smartphones. The improvement will be projected in the mobile phone display on Google Glass, by which users can easily navigate through it by using their head movements for viewing the associated part of the smartphone screen.

Shrinivas Pundlik, author of the first study said that Microsoft Hololens and Epson Moverio created a keen interest among the users related to the smart glasses and in the near future, there is a possibility of independent, mobile-paired smart glasses. The report which got published in the Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering journal of the IEEE Transactions suggests that the idea of screen navigation controlled by head movements will be beneficial for the visually impaired persons also.

Shrinivas Pundlik headed the team involved in the development of head motion controlled application for directing the zooming limitations of the traditional smartphone screens that do not provide enough contexts and is difficult navigating. The researchers measured the estimated time involved in the completion of some particular tasks. The team comprising of two groups worked on different subjects, one group was working on Smartphone’s inbuilt zoom feature and another one on head motion Google glass application. The combined results of these researchers finally revealed that the technique of head based navigation have reduced the mean trial time by 28 percent while comparing it to the conventional manual scrolling process.

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