Incredible Google: 10 Useful Products You Didn't Know Existed

BENGALURU: If technology is being credited for allowing us live an easy life, Google has to be equally credited for making it all the more simpler. It is unimaginable how we humans rely on search engines like Google. If are unaware about something—we immediately ‘Google it’ and there it is, the treasure trove of answers for all our random questions. But Google’s services do not just end there; it has a lot more to offer us. There are about 20 incredibly useful Google products, but sadly not many people know about these special services.

The search giant has well-publicized some big products like—self-driving cars, smart contact lenses, internet-bearing balloons—but not these 10 amazing products. Lack of publicity doesn’t make them any lesser useful.

# Google Timer:

How many of you have tried the Google Timer? If you haven’t, you must try it as soon as possible.Google Timer Google Timer is a friend in need—one can set a timer on Google and get an alarm tone when the time is up. It is as simple as searching for information. Just ‘google’ the timer and it pops up. It is quite exciting to use this free feature which Google offers.

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