Flipkart Switches To An App-Only Strategy

BENGALURU: India’s largest e –commerce company, Flipkart has decided to go only Mobile App from this September. Flipkart has planned its phase-out of its web presence only to make purchases through the mobile app thanks to exponential growth of Smartphones and mobile internet, according to TOI.

Flipkart is constantly experimenting with various aspects of its services to create the best shopping experience for the users. Now people are  very fond of making purchasesthrough their Smartphones. Therefore, the growth of online purchases has been increasing exponentially. However for now the company offers both the desktop version as well as the mobile app for the users to place their orders.

The website’s massive traffic flow is by the app, as recorded almost 70-75 percent of the total traffic. Based on this fact, Flipkart is trying to up its game by making it completely Mobile App only. Some of the industry experts believe that this move may cost up to 10 percent decline in their sales as was the case with Myntra. Flipkart which was started in the year 2007 now has over 30,000 sellers with it and 4.5 crore registered users and has spread over 1,000 plus cities all over the country.

Smartphone’s are always in the palms of customer’s and by using only the mobile app of Flipkart, they can be sure of superior app security and a highly personalized experience when they incorporate elements like seamless user authentication. Flipkart's decision to go only mobile app indicates that it’s clear that it's better in focusing fully on what they believe is the future of the company.

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