Differences: Apple Pay, Android Pay And Samsung Pay

BENGALURU: The 3 tech majors in the industry, Apple, Samsung and Google are all set to provide the consumers with their own payment systems to replace the conventional wallets.

Though all the three sound similar, they are different in their own ways with varying payment systems altogether. So, let’s find out more about them with inputs from the Business Insider.

Samsung pay # Apple Pay And Samsung Pay Have A Similar Purpose, Will Work In Different Places

The prime focus of Apple Pay and Samsung Pay is to allow you to buy things in physical stores using your Smartphone. The Apple Pay only works on Apple’s latest iPhones in retailers with NFC technology.

On an interesting note, more than 200,000 retailers are compatible with Apple Pay, but not every sales system from the retailers support NFC.

On the Other hand, the Samsung’s payment system is available from its new phones like S6 and S6 Edge only. These phones support NFC too but extend it for standard magnetic credit card readers as well.

Both the systems depend on the shoppers using the fingerprint sensors on their phones for purchases and neither Apple nor Samsung will have any access to the payment information.  

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