8 Things You Didn't Know Your Old Phone Can Do

# Alarm Clock

The alarm clock is probably the first thing your old phone turns into when you get a new phone. There are dozens of apps in the store which helps you customize the alarm clock to wake you from your deep sleep.

The Smartphone does come with a standard alarm clock but misses the part which literally wakes up people these days where they would just switch it off and sleep. But all these alternatives which you can find on the app store concentrate on this with its different ways like the app ‘Walk me up’ which only switches off after you have walked some steps.

# Twitter Ticker

Are you a social Media addict? Here’s how your old smartphone can help you update and view it continuously. Applications like the TweetBot, Robird and Twitterific keeps your Twitter timeline on display, updates it with new posts, provided you have an available Wi-Fi connection to connect the phone.

With your old smartphone or tablet placed next to your laptop, you can check your tweets and updates without switching to the web browser on the laptop.

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