10 Ways VR Technology Can be Used Beyond Gaming


Scientists at NASA constantly need to explore for life on other planets. As a result, they frequently look for avant-garde virtual-reality technology to control robots on Mars and to offer astronauts with a way to de-stress. At NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, researchers connected the Oculus Rift with motion-sensing equipment from the Kinect 2 sensor and Xbox One game console to control a robotic arm with the operator’s gestures. This setup could also be one day utilized to control rovers or other instruments millions of miles away, according to NASA.


Virtual reality could also illustrate people about different cultures. The technology could immediately transport clients to the Louvre in Paris, the Acropolis in Athens and the Guggenheim in New York City, all in one day. In fact, a number of museums have already joined forces with developers to generate virtual spaces where people can experience the museums' physical collections.

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