10 Things Apple Needs To Feature In The iOS 9 Update

Hide Pre-installed apps

The iPhones have in some apps as Tips or Podcast and others that are not needed but are put on the screen and can’t be deleted.

The new OS at least should bear in that and let the users hide the apps that they think are not needed on the screen.

Let Share

Sharing any sort of file or image is so easy on Android phones; you can share it right away no matter which app you are in or whichever contact you want to.  There is no need to go through different sojourns to share your content as in the Apple phones.

The sort of sharing on iPhones is like Apple is making the decisions on what you share, where it needs to be the opposite hope the new OS counts it in.

iCloud Drive App

With iCloud Drive app Apple made its cloud file management solutions better this feature is a big valued addition to iOS 8 and OS X 10.10. This feature allows you to browse and manage your iCloud Drive files, like other files on your computer.

But the flaw strays up when you want to move your file to apps that don’t support the cloud drive then there is no possibility of sharing your files. Apple has to focus on this now by idealizing from other cloud computing apps.

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