10 Projects That Are Set To Rock Human Civilization

hyperloop# The Hyper Loop

Fed up with traffic because of having to wait hours to reach home? You don’t need to anymore if Elon Musk’s idea takes form. Elon thought of revolutionizing the transport experience at higher speeds by pooling some 30 members to distances through pods, which would take quarter the time taken of the normal duration to reach out.

The idea is known as hyperloop where the passengers would be riding in pods insides of long tubes connecting station; it would be same like as in an aeroplane. The thrust through water is grater but it is less turbulent.

This complete project cost around $6 billion, after which Elon stepped back in making a prototype, but he is enthusiastic to set it up on his own.

# Electric Jets Faster Than Sound

Elon Musk is always interested in something that is innovative or it be to innovate something that might prove helpful. Recently, at a press conference he expressed his thought process to modernize aerodromes with the experience he gained from Tesla and other technologically-advanced vehicular projects to develop a revolution in jet planes.

Airports and aero planes are quite a costly affair considering the area it consumes for landing and the fuel it takes for a trip, here Musk puts his ideas to run. The landing and launching of the planes in to air will be in vertical form which will conserve space also they will be equipped to run on electricity, which might conserve quintals of fuel.

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